maandag 2 december 2019

Opinion No. 22 of the CCJE on "The role of judicial assistants"

The Consultative Council of European Judges (CCJE) of the Council of Europe has adopted, at its 20th plenary meeting from 6 to 8 November 2019 in Strasbourg, its Opinion No. 22 entitled "The role of judicial assistants".

The Opinion will be forwarded to the Committee of Ministers with a view to its dissemination in the Council of Europe member States. The Opinion examines issues such as the framework for judicial assistants in their role of supporting judges, the importance of respecting the right to a fair trial in accordance with Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights, the cooperation between judges and judicial assistants, the nature of the assistants' tasks, their status, appointment procedures and various aspects related to their career. The Opinion also reiterates the importance of preserving the independence and impartiality of judges during the exercise of their mandate.

The CCJE is an advisory body of the Council of Europe on issues relating to the independence, impartiality and competence of judges. It is the only body within an international organisation to be composed exclusively of judges, and in this respect, it is unique in Europe, indeed in the world. By establishing the CCJE, the Council of Europe gives priority attention to the status of judges and the quality of the justice system, the rule of law and the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms depend for their implementation, on a strong and independent judiciary, mutual respect between the legislative, the executive and judicial powers, and European citizens’ increased trust in their justice system.

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